All application documents should be submitted via EasyChair

Registration is limited to a maximum of 40 participants.
Applicants are selected according to the motivation letter and their application documents.

Application Documents:
Applicants should submit

  • a motivation letter (max. 2 pages), describing research interests, research experience, and the relation to the school’s topic;
  • a short academic CV (max. 2 pages) containing their personal details incl. name, academic identifier (e.g. Google Scholar profile, ORCiD, website), current position & research institution, previous education & positions (academic/industry), research interests, any publications (max 3, incl. DOI/URL), additional research achievements;
  • a supporting letter by the PhD supervisor / study advisor to acknowledge the students’ institutional and financial support.

Please submit your application documents via the FAME School’s EasyChair

Application deadline June 26, 2024
Notifications of acceptance or rejection July 10, 2024
School September 19 – 21, 2024

Registration fee: EUR 270
The registration includes attendance at all scientific sessions, social activities and a social dinner, daily lunches and coffee breaks.

For administrative reasons, cancellations are not admitted, but we are happy to transfer registrations to other attendees.